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Leading-Edge Automotive Repair Services - Auckland 

You'll always get value for money with our vehicle repairs and servicing, and at Lynfield Automotive in Auckland you can trust our team of experts will have your vehicle ready in the time quoted. Lynfield Automotive has a very simple philosophy – “listen carefully”. We listen carefully to our customers and we listen carefully to their cars.

Vehicle repairs for the whole of Auckland

Only once all the information about your vehicle is to hand will we make our recommendations about what needs to be done. This approach not only identifies the cause of the mechanical and structural problems, but also maps out the most durable solutions to meet your budget. We pride ourselves on quality workmanship, utilising the perfect tools and techniques for the job. We aim to keep you as a customer for life, and take pride in the smooth running of your vehicle.

Maintenance and repairs

At Lynfield Automotive we use innovative diagnostic and testing equipment, tools and systems to make sure your vehicle is as safe as possible. You can rest assured that there will be no underlying problems that go unnoticed. Finding and rectifying a problem as early as possible can save you considerable time, money and stress down the road. Whether you drive a monster truck or a mini, all vehicles benefit from routine servicing, regardless of age or model.

General Services

  • Servicing (Penrite oil and Ryco filters )
  • Cambelts
  • Clutch & Transmission servicing
  • Electrical
  • Steering & Suspension
  • Cooling Systems
  • General Repairs & Maintenance
  • Computer diagnosis

Doctor's Check-up

Basic Petrol service - From$250.00( excludes European ,6 Cylinders & Diesel)

  • Change oil (Based on 4 litres of 5W30 Valvoline oil)
  • Change oil filter (Ryco filter)
  • Change sump plug washer
  • Check tyres/tyre pressures
  • Check and top up fluids
  • Check lights operational
  • Check transmission oil levels (if it has a dipstick)
  • Check air filter
  • Electronic battery check
  • Set service lights if required

Following the “Basic service” recommendations for treatment will be made to suit your vehicle – Oil & Filter, Engine Operation , Tyres, Brakes are some of the most common areas requiring attention. If the list is a long one, a full service  may be recommended as a precaution.

At Lynfield Automotive Limited you'll get personal attention and care. We cater to your individual needs, and provide you with expert advice on servicing and maintaining the best performance in your vehicle. When you book an appointment at Lynfield Automotive, we'll carry out your vehicle repairs on time, every time.
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